Leadership, Governance and History
Learn more about ONA's history, our Board of Directors, and examine many of our governing documents.
Contact Information and ONA Staff
Find information about how to contact ONA, directions to our offices, and a list of staff members.
ONA Constituent Associations
Find information about ONA's different Constituent Associations (formerly known as Districts), which are regional leadership groups that provide support for ONA's bargaining units, assist in communicating with members, and raise funds for the foundation.
Forms and Links
Find a wide range of important forms (consent to serve, grievance forms, etc) as well as links to our colleagues in the nursing profession and the labor movement.
Related Nursing Organizations
Find more information on the various sub-groups that work with ONA, including the Nurse Practitioners of Oregon, the Oregon Council of Clinical Nurse Specialists, and the Oregon Nurses Foundation.
National Affiliates
ONA is affiliated with the AFL-CIO, AFT, and the American Nurses Association.
Leadership Opportunities
Find everything you need to know to help serve Oregon's nurses in an elected leadership position, along with current vacancies on our wide range of advisory cabinets.