Reports, Research, Papers and Publications

Action Reports and Resolutions

2022 HOD Resolutions

2020 HOD Resolutions

2018 HOD Resolutions

2016 HOD Resolutions

2014 HOD Resolutions

2012 HOD Resolutions

2011 HOD Resolutions

Documents and Position Papers

Staffing Request and Documentation Form (SRDF) Reports

Survey Results and Publications

Practice Problems, Roles and Innovation

The following reports and documents focus on data gathered about practice problems, practice roles or practice innovation. The problems, roles or innovations which you will read about may be a project of a cabinet or may be reflective of practice problems and concerns which are being analyzed. You may access these documents by request of the Professional Services staff.

Oregon Nurse Retention Project

Results of the Oregon Nurse Retention Project research are now available. This project included many member of ONA who contributed to the expanding knowledge about retention of nurses in nursing practice. The project was conducted by the Occupational Psychology Department, Portland State University (PSU) in collaboration with Oregon Nurses Association, Professional Services Program. The study is funded by the Northwest Health Foundation.

Nurse Staffing Survey

The nurse staffing survey of direct care and administrative nurse members of Hospital Nurse Staffing Committees (created by the Oregon Nurse Staffing Law) is conducted annually in collaboration with the Oregon Nurse Staffing Collaborative. The members of the collaborative create the survey questions, conduct the survey of the nearly 60 nurse staffing committees in all acute care facilities in Oregon, analyze the results, and prepare a report.

End of Life Survey

End of life and palliative care has long been a focus at ONA. In 2005 – 2006, data was collected from nurses who attended ONA conventions, and ONA-sponsored pain management conferences to determine whether nurses in practice felt they had sufficient competency to care for individuals who were in need of palliative and end of life care, and what ethical issues were faced in this clinical situation.

Advanced Practice Surveys

Clinical nurse specialists (CNSs) and nurse practitioners (NPs) are among the members of ONA who participate in a special interest group for their role/practice. Both CNSs (2008) and NPs have conducted surveys to identify demographic information, practice patterns, issues and barriers of those in the role. The following advanced practice surveys are available upon request:

  • 2002 Survey of CNSs and NPs in Oregon ($10 per copy)
  • 2008 CNS Survey ($5 per copy)
  • 2008 Nurse Practitioners of Oregon Survey (ONA or NPO members and survey participants - first copy at no charge, $5 per additional copy. Non-members/non-participants pay $25 per copy.)
  • Click here to complete the Publication & Article Request Form and submit it online by clicking on the "Submit by E-mail” button or print and fax the form to 503-293-0013

Relative Publications from Other Organizations

Evidence-Based Guidelines

These guidelines are provided courtesy of Portland VA Medical Center clinical nurse specialists and staff nurses.