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Winter Virus Agreement is Now in Place

Posted By AURN, Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Initially management was only extending the LOA considering winter viruses and incentives to certain departments, however we were successful in expanding it to all our nurses, with improved language as well. You can view the whole letter through by clicking here. 

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Labor and Delivery Unit Nurses Fight Back and Win Twice in Two Weeks

Posted By AURN, Wednesday, November 22, 2023

The labor and delivery nurses of 12C have raised staffing concerns for years over inadequate staffing. They fought for a staffing plan that adheres to AWHON guidelines and  utilizes a proper acuity tool to determine appropriate staffing. After months of collecting  data, 12C nurses presented to OHSU’s top management including Jane Russell and CEO, John Hunter,asserting that OHSU was violating the staffing law, and they had the data to prove it. During that meeting, one nurse in particular spoke up about staffing and advocated for  Jane Russell to allow 12C staff to voice their concerns. Soon after, that nurse also objected to Director, Molly Blaser, telling her in a one-on-one conversation that as Charge, she should be sending nurses home and staffing with a “fiscal lense.” The nurses objected and told Blaser that budget was not a basis to understaff.  In response, rather than substantively addressing the staffing issues on 12C, OHSU attempted to silence its nurses. The nurse who spoke up and advocated for other nurses was soon called in to discuss her “tone” and  was read the management rights clause, which included a statement that OHSU had the right to discipline employees, ignoring contract provisions requiring just cause for discipline.  
In response, ONA filed an unfair labor practice complaint with the State of Oregon. This week, in a recommended order, an administrative law judge found that OHSU managers committed an unfair labor practice (ULP) when they called the nurse in for a meeting to discuss the nurse’s “tone”. In particular, CNO, Jane Russell and Director, Molly Blaser interfered with the nurse’s exercise of her rights to speak out on staffing. The Administrative Law Judge found: 
 "As detailed above, MC was summoned to a meeting with CNO Russell to discuss the tone of her communication during the September 22, 2022, UBNPC meeting and in the September 28, 2022, email exchange between MC and Director Blaser. Those communications concerned contractual staffing standards and were therefore protected activity. Based on an examination of the record as a whole, we are not persuaded that the purpose of the meeting was to help MC become a more effective communicator, or that Russell would have taken the same action absent MC’s protected advocacy. The record does not establish that CNO Russell has taken a similar interest in the communication style of other nurses, or that calling an employee into a meeting with the CNO and a HR Representative is a routine response to discourteous communication. We conclude that MC was summoned to the meeting because of, and in response to, her protected activity. 
. . . 
Given this context, a reasonable interpretation is not, as OHSU suggests, that the meeting was called to have a conversation about improving MC’s communication skills, but rather, that it was a veiled threat that MC should tone down her advocacy or face future discipline. 
. . .  

Because we have found that OHSU violated ORS 243.672(1)(a), we order OHSU to cease and desist from engaging in that unlawful conduct."
In addition, an arbitrator has now vindicated the nurses’ staffing concerns in a separate decision. These same nurses led the charge to have OHSU found in violation of the collective bargaining agreement’s requirement that the employer follow its staffing plans. After several days of hearing and testimony from many of the 12C nurses, the arbitrator concluded that OHSU was in fact not staffing appropriately according to AWHONN standards. The arbitrator found “that appropriate staffing was not being maintained in February and March of 2021”, and  ordered that “OHSU is directed to provide baseline staffing sufficient to implement the Unit 12C Labor and Delivery staffing plan including during timely meals and breaks.” The arbitrator will retain jurisdiction to ensure that OHSU complies with this order.  
The nurses of 12C Labor & Delivery stood their ground and fought for the staffing levels that they know their patients deserve! Despite best efforts to intimidate them into giving up, they remained united and proved that OHSU was violating the staffing law. When We Fight, We Win!!! 


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AURN Tentative Agreement Ratified: New Contract Goes into Effect November 6th!

Posted By AURN, Thursday, October 5, 2023

After a historic contract campaign, and record voter participation, we are excited to announce that our tentative agreement has been ratified by our AURN membership! 93% of our members (2603) voted on the contract, and of those 96% voted yes (2508) to ratify. Nurses throughout our campaign signed up to be full dues-paying union members. Just this past week, 25 nurses became full dues-paying members so they could vote and stand together with their peers to fight to make OHSU better. Starting November 6, a new and improved collective bargaining agreement (CBA) will go into effect, which includes historic gains to staffing, safety, retention, respect, and so much more! Be sure to read the full Redline Agreement.

Thank you to everyone who came to our meetings, asked thoughtful questions, and took the time to read our redline tentative agreement before voting. The improvements to this CBA only happened because our members took the time to learn about the issues and the process. And because our members consistently stood together, rounded, covered union bulletin boards, wore union colors, stickers, buttons, rallied, marched, picketed, even briefly occupied the OHSU Board of Directors meeting, and in the end–our members were fully prepared to go on strike. The engagement of our members has been so inspiring for everyone to see. It’s essential we take this energy forward and use our new contract to actually make OHSU better by staying engaged and involved. Once we win a strong voice, it’s time to use it!

What’s next? A contract is only as strong as we make it. It’s just a paper booklet unless we put it into action and make sure our employer follows it! We are counting on every member to learn about the new agreement, and we need unit reps (union stewards) from every unit and shift to make sure this new contract is implemented properly. We have an incredibly active unit representative committee and contract action team (CAT) that is excited to continue strengthening our union. Also, we hope every unit has an engaged and active UBNPC who is ready for all the new opportunities the contract provides for units to make improvements. Be sure to check Compass for the Oct. 23 training (12 p.m.-6 p.m.) for UBNPC members and many more trainings in the future. Don’t forget UBNPC meetings are open to all unit members, even if it’s not on paid time for everyone, you all can still pack the room! Educated members, educated UBNPC members, and educated unit reps are what will carry us forward to enact our new agreement! 

Holding OHSU Executives Accountable! We’re not done holding them accountable yet! The evening in which our bargaining team negotiated for over 24 hours, OHSU executives held a meeting at the same time to award themselves bonuses. Some executives earn over a million a year and decided to give themselves $100-180K bonuses (15.9% of their compensation). We’ve partnered with AFSCME to demand top executives not award themselves bonuses and instead bargain in good faith with our peers at OHSU who are still in negotiations. Please sign this petition to demand that OHSU executives do the right thing! Ask your family and friends, share this petition far and wide:

Implementation meetings: Additionally, AURN leaders will be meeting with management to discuss and make sure the implementation of the new agreement goes well and to troubleshoot any issues. We’ll need a strong network of folks involved in all units and shifts to connect with regarding implementation. Please watch for additional implementation updates! 

Over the next year, we’ll also be preparing for our reopener regarding the Legacy merger and will depend on our members staying active and engaged to be prepared for that. We didn’t just build a strong union for one contract, we built a strong union to have a voice in all things ahead of us!

Current and Potential Unit Reps and CAT members: Please remain or become a unit rep (steward) for your shift and unit! You can see our current list here, please fill out a consent to serve form if your name is missing and you’d like to volunteer or continue to volunteer. We also have monthly statewide unit rep (aka steward) trainings at ONA that nurses participate in from around the state. They are virtual so you can join from the comfort of your home. If you have been a unit rep for a while and feel like you need a refresher, that is possible too. Please see the calendar here:

We also have many committees that need more AURN volunteers right now, especially safety related committees. Over the next year or two, positions may open up on any of our committees. If you are interested in serving, please take some time to think about what could work best for you. Email or contact a current committee member, if you have questions to learn more about these committees. We’ll send out full descriptions, along with the process to volunteer to serve very soon!

  • Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Grant Committee
  • Professional Nursing Care Committee (1 new seat)
  • Membership Committee
  • Grievance Committee
  • Communications Committee
  • Housewide Staffing Committee (HBNSC) & the new Ambulatory Staffing Subcommittee
  • AURN Elections Committee
  • AURN/Management Cooperative Committee
  • Benefits Council Representatives
  • Impairment Free Workplace Committee
  • Cognitive Behavioral Care Committee
  • Culture of Safety Committee
  • Emergency Management Committee
  • Quality Oversight Committee
  • Safety Oversight Committee
  • Workplace Violence Committee
  • Workplace Injury Committee
  • Trauma Informed Care Advisory Committee
  • Restraint and Seclusion Best Practices Committee
  • Workplace Expression of Breast Milk Advisory Committee
  • Strategic Transportation and Parking Advisory Committee
  • Safe Patient Mobilization Committee

The entire AURN bargaining team and Board of Directors would like to thank each and every member for your tireless work to build this union and make OHSU a better place. We look forward to seeing you all at the next picket, protest, committee meeting, and celebration events to be planned and announced soon!

In solidarity,
The AURN Bargaining Team and Board of Directors

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Tentative Agreement Reached! Ratification VOTE October 1-5

Posted By AURN, Tuesday, September 26, 2023

After a series of marathon bargaining sessions, we have reached a historic tentative agreement! This tentative agreement is only as strong as it is because of the strength and solidarity of nurses! We have achieved historic gains on safety, staffing, retention, compensation, and much more. Be sure to calculate your own personal increases to compensation here: 

Compensation TA Calculator
Ratification Voting
AURN will hold our ratification vote from Sunday, October 1 to Thursday, October 5. It will be on the same electronic platform we used for our strike authorization vote. Only AURN members can participate in this vote. If you are not a member and want to vote, please sign and submit your membership form here. Your Bargaining Team is recommending nurses vote “Yes” to ratify this historic tentative agreement! 

Ratification Member Meetings 
Additionally, your AURN Bargaining Team and staff will be hosting Ratification Member Meetings to answer questions. They will take place virtually on Friday, Sept 29; Saturday, Sept 30; and Sunday, October 1. More details and Zoom links will be found in the upcoming meeting flier. 

We will issue a full article by article summary, and the redline agreement (complete text of union contract & all MOUs with all changes shown). We hope you will take time to review and ask any needed questions before voting opens on Sunday.  

Tentative Agreement Highlights
We are excited to share about so many huge gains!

Legacy Merger

  • We have secured the right to reopen all impacted articles during the Legacy merger with the right to strike if we can't reach agreement.

Retro Pay

  • We have secured retro pay (15% of gross wages from July 1 until the new contract starts, those on ofla/fmla can request pay after returning from leave). 


  • We have guaranteed staffing grids for our Emergency Departments now printed in our CBA. We have 1:3 for Acute Care IMC mix ratio enshrined in our contract. We have all external professional standards for staffing for all other areas required to be followed. While we are waiting for the new staffing law to have an impact in 2025, OHSU is not allowed to make staffing worse at OHSU.  
  • Staffing cannot be decreased between ratification and June 1, 2024.
  • Acuity and intensity tools must be agreed on by UBNPC consensus. If there isn’t consensus, it will be decided by 50%+1 vote of nurses on the unit. And then must be approved by the Hospital Staffing Committee.
  • They are required to give paid release time for all UBNPC members to work on staffing plans until the plan is in compliance.
  • No more buddy breaking! All nurses will get full uninterrupted meals and breaks and the proper coverage to do so. Break relief hours (additional FTE) will be provided to cover breaks.
  • Break Relief Assignments will be created with no additional assigned duties. UBNPC will design break coverage plans with enough allocated hours to cover all legally required meals and breaks without violation of staffing plans or grids. The same quality of patient care will be provided during breaks.
  • Proper coverage of lactation breaks will be provided and extended time for lactation.
  • Ambulatory staffing will be improved! Creation of UBNPCs in all ambulatory areas, and they will all get paid release time during work hours to create and pass staffing plans. There will be a special ambulatory subcommittee of the hospital staffing committee. And the UBNPC’s will make recommendations on changes to baseline FTE to get appropriate levels of staffing for all ambulatory units.
  • Our Hospital Staffing Committee chair will have a 0.3 FTE to make sure our staffing committee can be successful and to assist UBNPCs to improve staffing hospital wide. Increase in work hours for the rest of the UBNPCs and the entire staffing committee as well.

Workplace Safety

  • Expansion of Code Green! More social workers are being hired to help better staff the team and help with weekends and evenings, and a modified code green team located at the waterfront
  • Nurses will not be doing pat downs/wanding. Security staff and other trained OHSU staff will screen all patients, visitors and their belongings every time they enter the ED, including those that arrive by EMS.
  • There will be 24/7 staffing in the ED for metal detector screenings.
  • DPS will be physically present in the ED 24/7 except where officer discretion dictates an urgent response elsewhere. DPS is currently hiring 9 more officers which will increase coverage.
  • In person self defense training
  • AURN and AFSCME will get 50% of the positions on a task force that will decide how to allocate $10 million dollars in improvements to workplace safety.
  • An additional taskforce to assess ALL locations that OHSU nurses work to improve notification and lockdown procedures for all nurses
  • Paid training for trauma informed care, crisis intervention, de-escalation techniques
  • Workplace safety committees shall have access to OSHA workplace violence logs and records, Dept of Public Safety reports, worker and student injury records. UBNPC’s still have access to review PSIs and share trends with workplace safety committees.
  • UBNPCs can request assessments of their unit to prevent workplace violence.
  • Direct care nurses will have a voice in remodeling and building of new buildings to assess safe patient handling and workplace violence prevention opportunities
  • Guaranteed Suicide Prevention Program (that was discontinued), including a trauma informed care program provided to nurses experiencing trauma at work.
  • Locking cabinets in all units and in each acute care adult inpatient room to better protect staff and patients when safety concerns exist to be able to secure belongings.

Wages and Compensation

  • Our wages will be the highest among all of AFT Healthcare, and possibly top ten in the country with the average base wage at $75.24 and $156,500 annually. With differentials the average is $81.08, and $168,650.
    • Wages increase 15% year 1; 6% year 2; 6% year 3 and creation of a new 30 step scale to replace the current 10 step scale
    • Night Shift Diff will be 12.5% year 1, 12.5% year 2, 13% year 3 for all hours worked (used to only be part of the shift)
    • Evening shift increase to $3/hr
    • Certification increase to $2.50/hr in 2025
    • Call PAY: $8.00/hr for call hours 0-35.99; $10.00/hr 36-59.99; $12.00/hr 60+ 
    • $6/hr Unit Staffing Stabilization Differential for Adult/Pediatric EDs and PICU
    • Specialty Float Pool increased to $9/hr
    • Retro Pay 15% on gross wages (and for those on approved absences)
  • We created a special assessment and $6/hr crisis differential designation for units that are in collapse due to attrition to help them recover. After ratification the PICU and Adult/Ped EDs will be temporarily designated. 
  • We made permanent our $46/hr shift incentive ($500/12 hr shift) for every extra shift work beyond FTE permanently for the life of the contract. This includes Resource Nurses after working 40 hours in 2 weeks (curtailment does not remove eligibility). 

Other Big Wins!

  • We, along with our union siblings at OHSU, forced management to go out to bid on MODA (management’s own self insured healthcare plan). There's expansion of mental healthcare providers and pediatric mental health providers in our tier one and a guarantee on a suicide prevention program.  
  • We've eliminated racist/sexist policies that stopped new hires from being able to file discrimination grievances and created a JEDI fund our nurses get to give our grants for JEDI work at OHSU.  
  • We can file a grievance if management incorrectly uses Mandatory Call for baseline staffing in multiple units.
  • In-person NEOs will return, labor reps are getting badge access to round the hospital to assist nurses.  
  • We've enshrined our temporary Covid MOU into the union contract to be prepared for future pandemics and get to audit PPE supplies.  
  • We have a brand new article for Remote Work and one for Home Infusion Nurses with all new protections.
  • We've created a new Pivot Nurse role and Split Positions to allow greater flexibility for nurses to remain bedside in ways that fit their mental health and their families outside work.   
  • We created two new speciality float pools (one for Maternal Newborn units and one for Oncology Float Pool)
  • Management cannot bring in an international travel nursing group without full 150 days of bargaining with us.

There is so much more in this contract, and we're excited for you all to learn more soon!


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Joint Statement from AURN & OHSU

Posted By AURN, Monday, September 25, 2023
The Association of University Registered Nurses and Oregon Health & Science University management are proud to announce the successful conclusion of 10 months of diligent and passionate negotiations, resulting in a tentative agreement for a new three-year contract. 
This contract stands as the cornerstone for fostering a robust, healthy, and secure nursing workforce, enabling us to deliver top-notch care to our patients and the communities of the Pacific Northwest. The details of this tentative agreement will be shared soon, followed by a ratification vote by the AURN members. 
This is a huge accomplishment, and we appreciate the time and efforts of everyone involved, including the nearly 3200 nurses who are the heart of this contract. 
In addition, the teams mutually agreed to an extension of the Expansion of Critical Need Incentive (ECNI) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) through the ratification of the new contract. 
Jointly on behalf of, 
The AURN Bargaining Team and OHSU Management’s Bargaining Team

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Tentative Agreement Reached!

Posted By AURN, Monday, September 25, 2023
After many hours of bargaining through the weekend, nurses at OHSU reached a tentative agreement this afternoon! 
This tentative agreement will be brought to AURN membership for a vote soon. The full summary and copies of all agreements will be published for all members to review before voting. Your bargaining team recommends a “yes” vote. Our new tentative agreement is the strongest contract nurses at OHSU have ever won! This TA is only as strong as it is because of the strength and solidarity of nurses to make OHSU Oregon’s #1 hospital. Here are some of the big wins:
•    Retro pay on gross earnings from July 1st 
•    Wage increases of 15%, 6%, and 6% each year as well as a 30-step wage scale
•    CNI at $46/hr for all extra shifts worked above FTE, with eligibility for resource nurses
•    Night shift differential increase changed to a percentage for full 12 hours
•    Call pay increase
•    Ability to bargain the impacts of a merger with Legacy
•    Major improvements to workplace safety at OHSU
•    Staffing for meals and breaks
We are excited to share more details over the coming days about our TA. Our bargaining team is so proud of the solidarity nurses have shown to win this historic contract.

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OHSU/AURN Mediation to Resume

Posted By AURN, Sunday, September 24, 2023
Our bargaining team shares in the collective stress and hope of the nearly 3200 nurses across OHSU tonight.  We all wait for the same moment, when management is ready to finally reach a fair agreement.  We have been in mediation and caucusing for over 85 hours in the last ten days.  The reason we put in these hours is that we take the decision of our membership to authorize a strike very seriously.  If nearly every single nurse is prepared to walk off the job, we are prepared to bargain for as long as it takes.  To shut down the #1 hospital in our state, that cares for all Oregonians and the entire region is a massive action. We have a responsibility to make sure if a deal can still be negotiated, we are always willing to bargain.  

We know that if a deal can't be reached, our membership can and will strike.  However, at this moment, a deal is still possible.  We have agreed to mediate again tomorrow, Sunday 9/24.  And as always, we will update our membership if something can actually be brought to all members for ratification, to review, discuss, and vote on.  We remain hopeful, but are also prepared to call for a strike if we must.

We ask all members to keep wearing your union colors, and continue to stand together and hold the line.

Your AURN Bargaining Team

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OHSU Mediation Update - Sept. 21

Posted By AURN, Friday, September 22, 2023
While we do not have any information to share yet, we wanted to let you all know that we have agreed to mediation tomorrow (Friday, Sept. 22). We did not issue a ten day notice today.

We want to thank all of our members for being so incredibly supportive of one another and of your bargaining team. We live for the pet photos and memes you send us on mediation days and love hearing from all of you when we take our meal breaks. We continue to be inspired by the energy of our members and dedication to reaching a fair contract.

We hope to have another update for you all soon, but we are going to go get some rest before reconvening tomorrow morning.

In Solidarity,

Your AURN Bargaining Team

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Mediation to Continue, Strike Could Be Called

Posted By AURN, Wednesday, September 20, 2023

This week, after our 95% vote to authorize a strike, our bargaining team will continue to attempt to reach an agreement or may go ahead and issue our 10-day notice to go on strike. This is an incredibly heavy decision and ultimately it sits with management to make significant movement in negotiations immediately or our team will have no choice. Management has conveyed that they do wish to reach an agreement before a 10-day notice has been issued. Clearly, our members showed management more must be done immediately.

As such, mediation continues tomorrow, Thursday, Sept. 21. If significant progress is made, we may agree to mediate on Friday, Sept. 22. If significant progress cannot be made at any point, our AURN bargaining team may now be forced to call for a strike. But we would do so only if we do not think a deal can be reached that is worthy of taking to our membership for a ratification vote. If our bargaining team reaches a tentative agreement with management on everything, including all contract articles, appendices, exhibits, and MOUs then we will hold a vote of all full dues paying AURN members. Before the vote is held, copies of all documents and a full summary will be provided with time for all members to review and ask questions. We will likely hold meetings to answer questions and make sure everyone is fully prepared to vote. If the tentative agreement is voted through by the membership, then it will be a final ratified agreement.

We know that the next couple days will be filled with anxiousness and frustration, but also hope. Hope that management finally hears us.  Hope that we do not have to strike. Hope that OHSU becomes a place that we can be proud to work at, proud to recruit new people to come to, and proud to bring our family and friends to receive care. Please know that our bargaining team shares the same feelings and hopes as all our members.

We will communicate each day to let you know if an agreement is reached, or if we are forced to issue our 10-day notice. To get up to date information, be sure to utilize the hard working and amazing contract action team (CAT) members in each of your units. If you hear other things from management in the meantime, as we all learned in nursing school, always verify information and check your sources.

In Solidarity,
Your AURN Bargaining Team


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AURN Rally at OHSU and Strike Authorization Results!

Posted By AURN, Wednesday, September 20, 2023
AURN nurses, 

We’ve reached a historic moment:

More than 800 nurses and community allies attended our rally today (Sept. 18, 2023) to demand a fair contract from OHSU management. We then marched to OHSU’s Board of Directors meeting to demand they instruct management offer a contract that addresses the crisis inside our hospital. We told them loud and clear—AURN nurses are ready to bargain, but we are also ready to strike. Five minutes before our rally, management emailed your bargaining team requesting additional mediation dates. Management knows that when nurses are united, they are an unstoppable force inside our hospital. 
Our union has spoken. In our strike authorization vote, 96% of nurses cast a ballot and of those who voted, 95% voted “YES” to give their bargaining team the authority to call a strike. Your bargaining team hopes that we don’t have to, but may still be forced to issue a 10-day notice if a fair agreement cannot be reached. 
Your bargaining team is inspired by the solidarity across our hospital and carries your strength with them to the bargaining table. They are willing to meet and remain committed to win a fair contract. Your bargaining team will let you know if a tentative agreement is reached that is worthy of bringing to our membership for your full review and a ratification vote. 
As nurses, it is our responsibility to stand up to protect our patients and our community’s health. In fact, it is our ethical obligation to advocate for our working conditions because when our working conditions improve, our patients care does too. Nurses are ready to strike to ensure Oregonians receive the care they need when they come through our doors.

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