Constituent Association 3

Constituent Association 3 (formerly known as District 3) has approximately 200 Oregon Nurses Association members who work in various clinical settings with many diverse levels of education, including retired nurses. Members of Constituent Association 3 (CA3) hold concurrent membership in ONA and ANA, and for those with labor representation, AFT.

The purpose of our district is to work for the improvement of health standards, and the availability of health care services for all people, to foster high standards for nursing, and to stimulate and promote the professional development of nurses.

ONA Constituent Association 3 (CA 3) covers members in Polk and Marion counties, including Marion County Health Department, Legacy Silverton Hospital , and the State of Oregon nurses.


  • President: Jeanna Young 
  • Vice-President: Kay Carnegie
  • Secretary/Treasurer: Norma O'Mara
  • Board Position 1: Heidi Jackson 
  • Board Position 2: Aaren Brown
  • Board Position 3: Allison Seymour

News, Meetings and Events


CA3 Meeting Minutes

Click here to submit CA meeting minutes

Read past meeting minutes below: