Constituent Association 1 (formerly known as District 1) was incorporated in 1930. Constituent Association
1 currently represents about 950 ONA members living in the Multnomah & Columbia Counties in Oregon. Our members are RNs from various nursing settings including nurses in acute care, home health and hospice, nurse practitioners, educators,
& retired RNs to name a few. ONA Constituent Association 1 members are eligible to run as a delegate for the ONA and ANA House of Delegates as well as the BOD, committees, cabinets, entities of ONA & ANA. ONA Constituent Association 1 has
been involved in the community to improve nursing and public health. See the Book of Reports below for yearly reviews of involvement and accomplishments.
- President: Kimberly Martin
- Vice-President: Richard Botterill
- Secretary/Treasurer: Sue Phillips
- Board of Director: Alexander Fortune
News, Meetings and Events
CA1 Meeting Minutes
See past meeting minutes below.
Purpose and Functions
Members of Constituent Association 1 hold concurrent membership in ONA and ANA, and for those having Economic and General Welfare representation, the National Federation of Nurses (NFN).
The purposes of which CA 1 ONA is organized, which purposes shall be within the meaning of Section 501 (c) (6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as amended unrestricted by considerations of nationality, race, creed, lifestyle, color, sex, handicap,
religion or age are:
- Work for the advancement of health standards and availability of health care services for all people,
- Foster high standards of nursing,
- Promote the professional development of nurses and advance their economic and general welfare.
- To promote high standards of nursing practice, education, and services as defined by the ANA.
- To represent nurses and serve as their CA 1 ONA spokesperson with allied professional, community, government groups with the public.
- To provide for representation in the ONA House of Delegates.
- To ensure an archive for the collection and preservation of documents and other materials which have contributed and continue to contribute to the historical and cultural development of nursing.