The Nurse Practitioner Special Interest Group was established by ONA during the 1970s and the name changed to the Nurse Practitioners of Oregon in the early 1990’s. The group was begun to advocate for the relatively new role of NP within the state and to provide a network through which statute and policy changes could be enacted to advance NP practice. NPO continues to be a very active group within ONA and members serve in elected and appointed leadership position such as Board of Directors and cabinets.
OCCNS is a special interest group of ONA that was established in the early 1980’s as a group in which practicing clinical nurse specialists (CNSs) in Oregon could share information, influence practice, participate in relevant legislation and education, and address issues and challenges to their practice.
Established in 1982, by the Oregon Nurses Association, the Oregon Nurses Foundation (ONF) is a tax-exempt, charitable 501(c)(3) organization. The purposes of the Foundation are to assist the profession of nursing in maintaining and improving the quality of health care to the community; supporting education of nurses and nursing students and providing programs to improve workplace safety and health.