ONA Constituent Associations (formerly known as Districts) are geographic areas in which all ONA members participate. ONA members are elected to the ONA House of Delegates from constituent associations (CA). Thus, nurses from different practice settings have the opportunity to serve in the highest policy making body of the association.
Other functions that the CAs serve are to bring together nurses from a variety of backgrounds and practice settings, provide for community service activities, conduct forums on nursing practice and health care issues, promote the visibility of ONA and of the nursing profession, recruit new members, mentor and provide leadership development for nursing students, participate in political action, communicate with nurses and provide educational opportunities for all nurses.
ONA members typically join the CA where they work or live although some areas of the state do not have a CA. Members in those areas belong to the "At-Large CA” which provides them a vehicle for election to the House of Delegates.
Individual Constituent Association Pages
CA Meeting Minutes Submission Form
When an ONA Constituent Association (CA) holds a member meeting, the meeting minutes should be submitted to ONA for archiving and posting on the ONA website.
The submission of minutes of the minimum twice yearly CA meeting satisfies the ONA Bylaws and policies for demonstration of CA activity. (ONA Bylaws Article VIII, Section 1. A; ONA Policy 4.21)